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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day two Orientation

Researched the community profile of Camrose as well as the Municipal Sustainablity Plan being conducted by the City of Camrose and Augustana Faculty. found some interesting facts about Camrose.

City of Camrose Profile
Population as of 2006 was almost 16000. Median income for couple households with children was almost $90,000 in 2005 in contrast to $55,000 for couple households without children in the same year. English is the main language of instruction. Mostly Canadian citizens live in Camrose. A small number of immigrant population. As of 2006, Camrose had a total of 280 non-canadian citizens. Camrose has an Aboriginal population of 530. Educational attainment for those 15years and over is 2 to 1 when you compare those with high school certificate and no certificate to those with a level of post secondary education. Comparably more females are educated than their male counterparts. As of 2006, almost half of its population was employed. The main mode of transportation is personal cars and trucks as there is no public transit in Camrose.

Statistics Canada. 2007. Camrose, Alberta (Code4810011) (table). 2006 Community Profiles. 2006 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-591-XWE. Ottawa. Released March 13, 2007.
(accessed May 10, 2011).

Sustainability Initiative in Camrose
Camrose is currently engaged in a municipal sustainability plan (MSP) which outlines its short and longterm sustainability goals. It covers the following five pillars of sustainability: economy, governance, ecology, culture and society. This plan will enable the city to access funds generated from federal gas taxes. The MSP in Camrose is a partnership with the Augustana faculty to help shape the future of the city. A key benefit of this partnership is to get meaningful feedback from the Augustana faculty as well as the residents of Camrose to help shape its long-term sustainability vision in 2055. As of 2009, students at Augustana were engaged in various researches such as the Camrose citizen’s Ecological Footprints as well as sixteen areas of the five pillars of sustainability. These students adopted various methods to gather data and information pertinent to these researches. Some methods included outreach such as door-to-door canvassing, approaching shoppers on the street, and attending community group meetings in order to reach a wide range of

University of Augustana. Camrose Municapal Sustainablity Plan.

Scavenger Hunt

I am looking forward to the scavenger hunt for more information on Camrose as well as the sustainability initiatives here.

Some interesting comments suggested by the students at OLMP that could encourage them to stay in Camrose as well as have fun here was to have some free social events such as organizing drive through movie spots, dance sessions or even live bands and extra curricular activities. They pointed out the lack of such free activities that could engage them and reduce the boredom, as there is nothing to do after 6pm here. It is extra bad in the winter because they dont even experience activities that they normally enjoy spring and summer. The youth between the ages 14 to 17 years were those likely to be get easily bored. Most of the students said after school they would leave Camrose.

There are some interesting cultural activities at the Baileys theatre that can be explored by Camrose residents. Some new events being introduced include experiencing the culinary services which could have a seating capacity of 40, some new programming to enhance the theatrical effects, as well as renting out the centre for other purposes.
Discussions with the city staff involved tapping the skills of augustana students when they graduate to help keep some students here. Such a move can enhance the talent and human capacity for the city in the longrun. As well, Service Canada youth centre is also doing its part in helping the youth not only find jobs but also educating them about workplace health & safety issues. The youth centre's approach is certainly a step in the right direction in raising awareness about workplace injuries.

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